Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bid en vertrou

Eenkeer 'n maand kom ons jongmense bymekaar vir 'n jeugdiens. 
Die kleintjies kom sing saam met ons voordat hulle klassies toe gaan.
Elriza se boodskap vanaand gaan oor Gebed.

Taken from James 5:13-18, where James (Jesus' Half brother) encourages Christians to pray, pray when you sick, pray when you happy, pray for each other, pray when you in trouble, pray, pray and pray!  We learned that praying is the most power thing we can do, and that it's a simple as having a dialogue with God. 

We learned that if we resort to anything else when we should actually be praying about it, it's like trying to hammer a nail into a plank using a sponge - it's not going to work! (and you may actually just end up hurting yourself). 

We also learned that we need to be persistent in our prayers, and that praying is like sucking a lollipop with bubblegum in the center, sometimes it feels like it will take you forever to get to the center, but in the end it's worth all the effort. 

When we pray we may sometimes feel like God don't hear us or He won't answer us, but we need to keep praying, even if it takes years for us to understand, God always hears our prayers and He never forgets to answer them.  We ended our time by breaking up into groups and praying together. I also gave each child a prayer card with an acronym to help them to know how to pray.  The acronym was

H  - Honour God with Praise
E  - Examine your life
A  - Ask for Personal Needs
R  - Request help for others
T  - Thank God for Blessings.

We look forward to our next service together, when we'll be saying goodbye to some of our youth who will be going off to college next year. 

Die wikkel wurmpies leer vanaand van die tong wat God gemaak het en wat ons alles daarmee kan doen en proe. 


Ons kry ook agterna kans om lekker seepballe te speel en jaag met ons lyfies wat God gemaak het. 


Ons ouer maatjies leer dat ons Jesus moet vertrou wanneer die "storms" ons bang maak. 


Ons maak ons eie bootjies om op die water te vaar.


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